About the Missions & Outreach Ministry
The Missions and Outreach Ministry seeks to connect the congregation with the wider community by fulfilling Christ's call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, connect with the lonely, and share the love and good news of the Gospel.
Our Missions Ministry primarily supports FISH Food Pantry and Financial Missions sponsored by the congregation and the United Church of Christ.
Our Community Outreach Committee is the portion of this ministry that seeks to provide direct hands on community connection both in coordination with Perkasie Community events and with events of our own, such as our Blessing Boxes, Coat Giveaway, Second Saturday program (which provides a FREE clothing closet and lunch for those in need) and events such as Trick or Treat and the Blessing of Animals.
Second Saturdays
On the Second Saturday of each month, St. Stephen's UCC opens its doors to those in need, offering a FREE Clothing Closet from 11:30 am to 1 pm. The closet has seasonal clothing, costumes, occasionally toys, and friendly faces. Reuseable bags are available for those who need them. The Clothing Closet collect items from the community and, like our Blessing Boxes, is sourced by donation. We believe everyone should have clothing to wear. The Clothing Closet has been open since summer 2023 and has been regularly supported. It is also open during the week, currently on Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 noon.
In addition to the Clothing Closet, Second Saturdays include a FREE Lunch for those in need too. Come in for both or just to eat. This is an opportunity to connect with others and to experience the love of God. Take out meals are provided. s
Connections Community Lunch
The Connections Community Lunch is for Adults seeking the connection of others in Community. it is a bi-monthly program meeting on the 3rd Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1 pm. It includes a catered lunch and program varying from speakers to musicians. Desserts are provided by the WOW Intermediate Unit. The program is FREE and open to the community.
Our Church's Wider Mission
We take part in four special offerings aimed at National Mission through the Denomination:
One Great Hour of Sharing
Strengthening the Church
Neighbors in Need
The Christmas Fund
Our OCWM funds also support the work of the Penn Southeast Conference UCC and the National United Church of Christ.
Jared Boxes
Pennridge FISH
Ram Packs
Crop Walk
Souper Bowl of Caring
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Bethany Children's Home
Phoebe Richland Health Care Center
Helping Hands Food for the Homebound
Mission Trips
Church World Services--Kit Storage and Distribution Site
International Support for Those in Need
Worm Project--For two cents per pill brings medicine to children in Third World Countries who are epidemically infected with tape and roundworms causing malnutrition and other health issues
Pedals 4 Progress--recycles bicycles and sewing maachines from the U.S. and ships them to others throughout the world/
Other Projects
Aluminum recycling to provide funds for mission projects and to promote recycling.